domingo, octubre 23, 2005

Proyecto COMBI presenta: G. ::: Urban Gravity Condition



THE CITY, as a system or group of systems, has elements that interact with each other to exist, to evolve, and to transform themselves. The City modeling is the representation of this natural reality. The City’s system, to optimize its functions in different situations, has urban modeling tools that allow us to reprogram it, the plug–ins.

A plug-in is an application, program, or system that interacts with another system to modify its functionality. For example, in the informatic systems, where the plug-ins complement and optimize the databases, or like in the natural systems, where the photosynthesis plug-in acts over the atmosphere, or like the plug-ins in the system called CITY.

G. is a plug-in (application) that every urban system must consider.
G. in Urban - Architecture means inserting a PLUG-IN that transforms the software  Urban - Architecture in Urban - G.Architecture
G. is the insertion of the concept “GRAVITY” in the architectural–urban development

URBAN GRAVITY CONDITION is the deformation of the human being – habitat geometry.

GRAVITY... Is not about a specific architecture... Its is about the study of diverse interconected scales, it describes, first , the gravity mechanism.... in a metropoli… in a neighborhood... in an urban space.... in a house… in the human mind… gives considerations in the modeling process of the Architecture and the city.

The principles of urban gravity involve different levels, such as the matter, the energy, and the information.

. Matter as the physical structure of the urban system.

. Energy, as the dynamic interactions in the urban system, allows the different structures to create and canalize massive integration, specialization, and/ or consolidation processes.

. Information as a way to guide the energy with the objective of transforming the matter, making the structure in constant interaction with other structures, depending on its mass and its variability and how it models and adapts to the environment.

Urban Gravity is the level of attraction or repulsion that a human being-habitat can do to other systems to allow them to reach their goals:   “To gain more energy and be able to stay alive.”

This principle is present in generating physical, biological, and social structures as fields of power (energetic or organizational) that regulate the system's equilibrium. The gravitational fields are generated by the level of the interactions (interchange of matter, energy, and information) between the “mass – unity of existence” of the components.

G. means to model space through gravities from the macro scale to the architectural elements and work with structures that can be modeled by gravity... and even reach the human impulses that determine human behaviors, and then keep generating new gravities.

The human gravity works through processes whose components are in constant regulation.




Gravitational model of Lima.  Urban conditional configuration by the dynamics of its centers.

LIMA CITY grows, shapes, and adapts itself according to the multiple interactions that guide its growth. It is a living organism whose process of growth and adjustment has been guided by diverse circumstances and times, events, and endings; it is an amorphous, deformable, folding, transformable, and stimulable mass. From the multiple interactions of each inhabitant, each neighborhood, and all the way to the whole megapolis, emerge situations that form the city that has been forming Lima. These situations are created all the time in a stimuli-response process, such as the assembling of large crowds, the informal kiosks marketplaces, the street meal sellers, the killer combis (transportation system), the mass media, etc.



Gravitacional model of Leticia. Urban configuration is separated from the most power concentrations at the lower levels.

The first interaction creates an equitable distribution. The first elements gain mass through time.
The new elements with less energy start to pour off – organizing and reconstructing themselves- to the distant centers of gravity layers.

Leticia is a self-organized system, a complex reality, an endless overfall of juxtaposed textures, a miscellany of spaces and times that does not give a place to regularity or to deliberate simplification. It's a living organism that transforms irreversibly everything that touches in connected and related integrities, giving place to other inextricable, chaotic forms, which represent 80% of Lima city.

G.Hatun Inca


Gravitational model of the flea market designed by retailers in function to the external influences.

Today´s structure allows a flexible malleability against outer agents, fitting the market according to the social moment and adapting it gravitationally to the shocks of forces.

The Plug–in in complex environments is to produce a self-organizational reaction that will modify the original patterns to initiate the regeneration process and the consequent benefit for inhabitants.

The Plug-in goes beyond the physical design; it is to design the dynamics, more than look for a final state of the process; it is to generate processes constantly accompanying the chaotic development of the city. The idea is not to look for the simplification of reality using a conventional analysis of variables; it promotes the "interaction" of the particles -such as settlers, communal organizations, towns, etc.- to self-generate their own modeling mechanisms.



Gravitational model of emerging bus stops and transports.

One of the common issues of urban congestion at the pedestrian level in unregulated environments is the presence of "emergent" bus stops and the resulting traffic buildup caused by light public transport drivers. This is frequently observed in cities like Lima, where certain high-traffic nodes within districts often see large groups of people creating a gravitational pull that attracts more public transport services, subsequently slowing down traffic. This situation suggests the need for an organic solution as a "mechanism" capable of redirecting these unnecessary accumulations to enhance traffic flow based on demand.



Gravitational model of flexible habitat to the emotional condition. Psychological configuration.

The personalized module of the CUSTOM house allows the user to interact freely with its architecture. The human being becomes the modeler of its own interior space, impacting the exterior environment.

The module ideology comes from the concept of typical slum housing, designed based on the primary needs of the man (physiological, nourishing, and social). It considers the human being an emotional entity, a social being with real and imaginary problems.


Gravitational model of auto-eco-organizable organism.

Bio-architectonic configuration is sensitive to the possible changes, interacting and evolving. 
The "Unidad Lógica Arquitectónica Funcional"* is a simulation that defines the problem in urban dynamic growth using states and makes possible the insertion of codes in real-time, exploring the fundamental base of all urban structural creation: the man.


Urban Gravity Condition

by COMBI project:

 jimy carhuas

benito juarez

nestor u. salcedo

specials thanks:

arturo "el gato" tovar UNI-FIIS - Lima-Peru
solangel fernandez UNI-FAUA - Lima-Peru
ana storms LUZ-FAU Maracaibo-Venezuela

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